Kazpost Starts Project of Electronic Trade Floor System
OREANDA-NEWS. On December 14, 2007 Kazpost JSC (Almaty), bonds of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list, had provided KASE with the press-release of next contention, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Kazpost JSC starts the pilot project of electronic trade floor system in Almaty region with objectives of full working of electronic trade technology. In full functional the system of electronic trade floor will be started in year 2008. Address if electronic trade floor is: www.postmarket.kz
The given project was realized in execution of order of Prime-minister of the country, according to which was developed the Plan of actions for internetization of all village department of post connection for implementing of electronic trade system.
In the frames of execution of given order Kazpost JSC in August 2007 had started the work for implemention of electronic trade floor. System of electronic trade floor is adjusted for provision to customers, suppliers and trade partners of complex of electronic services, providing of automation of business-processes of electronic business for spheres Business-to-Business (B2B), Person-to-Person (P2P) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C), including the solutions for sales, purchasing and channel of distribution management - from common on-line sales to system of electronic purchasing.
While organizing of electronic trade floor is supposed to divide suggested goods and services into two types. Goods and services suggested by juridical entities, private and individual businessmen on the long-term basis (selling of B2B and B2C principles) and goods and services suggested by physical entities on short-term basis (selling of P2P principle). Such division will let to cerate the secured mechanism of sales of goods and services on Trade floor and simplify the procedure of interrelations of sellers.
Services of ETF, combined with huge abilities of Kazpost JSC for transfer and delivery of post mails, represent almost unlimited potential for business.
It is supposed the constant renewing and replenishment of information on electronic trade floor, and also development of convenient search system and holding of advertisement campaigns and actions.
Kazpost JSC is the national operator of post connection, providing post, financial and agent's services to population and juridical entities.