OREANDA-NEWS. On December 13, 2007 ATFBank JSC (Almaty), being the representative of holders of infrastructure bonds KZ2CKY23B672 (DTJLb1; KZT1000, KZT30.0 bn.; August 2, 05 - August 2, 28, annual coupon indexed on inflation rate, 8,05 % APR for the current period, 30/360) of Dosjan temir joly JSC (DTJ) (Almaty), had notified KASE by the official letter that in November 2007 by the bank was hold the monitoring over timeliness and quality of realization of project for building and exploitation of railway line "Shar Station - Ust-Kamenogorsk", reported the press-centre of KASE.

According to the message of ATFBank JSC, monitoring was hold with departure to the object of building together with representative of Accumulative pension fund SAPF JSC (Almaty), being the big holder of specified bonds of Dosjan temir joly JSC (DTJ).

Report of ATFBank JSC about results of monitoring is available on the web site of KASE at