Kazakhstan Mortgage Company Did not Pay First Coupon on Its Bonds
OREANDA-NEWS. On December 11, 2007 Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC (Almaty) has informed Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) that on December 11 of 2007 the first coupon payment to the holders of bonds KZP02Y09C495 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb17; KZT1, KZT10.0 bn.; June 10, 07 - June 10, 16, semi-annual coupon indexed on inflation rate) and KZPC2Y12B547 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb12; KZT1, KZT5,000.0 m.; April 10, 05 - April 10, 17, semi-annual coupon indexed on inflation rate; 30/360) because the securities are absent in circulation was foreseen, reported the press-centre of KASE.
However, according to a message, since the company has not conduct an offering of the specified bonds, the coupon payment has not been made.
KASE draws the attention to the fact that it did not validate the information, given in the notification of its source. The person, indicated in the message as the source of the information, is completely responsible for authenticity of published information. Individuals, who want to refute the information, published in this message, must apply to KASE by the corresponding official letter.
Additional information is placed on KASE's web site:
- http://www.kase.kz/emitters/scan/kzik/kzikf9b17_2007.pdf - prospect of bonds issue;
- http://www.kase.kz/emitters/kzikb17.asp - information of securities.