SMARTS Announces Performance Key Results
OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2007. 9 months results of SMARTS performance, 2007
SMARTS group keeps its stable market position and key performance indicators growth. SMARTS group subscriber base on October 1st is 3 925 164 subscribers. The amount of active subscribers by September data is 11% higher compared to the previous year. ZOA SMARTS had 12% increase since the beginning of 2007.
Key Financial and analytical indicators monthly average income per a subscriber for ZAO SMARTS, 3d quarter 2007 is $5,0. It is 7% growth compared to 3d quarter 2007. Monthly average income per a subscriber for SMARTS group is $6,0b which indicates 13% increase compared to the same period last year. Monthly average traffic per a suscriber has grown by 4% and become 116 minutes for ZAO SMARTS and 165 minutes for SMARTS group. Costs to attract one subscriber (SAC) were cut by 5% for ZAO SMARTS, 11% for SMARTS group and became $11,6 for October 1st. SMARTS YTD income is 5 659 659 rubles, ZAO SMARTS 2 499 944 rubles. Increase:21.5%. EBITDA YTD for SMARTS group 2 287 612 rubles (more than 27% income compared to last year). ZAO SMARTS: 1 109 675 rubles., 5.6% increase compared to 2006. Net income YTD for ZAO SMARTS 71 436 rubles., 12,5 times higher than in 2006.