Odessa-Brody Pumped 8.3 Million Tonnes of Russian Oil
OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2007. Odessa-Brody pipeline system pumped 8.3 million tonnes of Russian oil in reverse mode in the first eleven months of 2007, according to the data announced by TNK-BP Ukraine. While in 2006 the pipeline system pumped 3.418 million tonnes of oil, in 2005 - 5.754 million tonnes, in 2004 - 1.048 million tonnes.
In a whole during an active reverse mode of the pipe the system pumped 18.486 million tonnes of crude (as of November 30, 2007). Ukraine's got $199.5 million from the transit payments and harbor fees.
Most of crude was transported for TNK-BP Holding, LUKOIL, Gazprom Neft and Rosneft.