TGC-10 Continues the Realization of the Investment Project
OREANDA-NEWS. December 4, 2007. On Tyumenskoy TPP-2 - a branch JSC "TGC-10" – to continue the realization of the investment project on construction 4-th gradirija by area of the irrigation 3200 metre square. Organizing and preparatory jobs on this project began at October of the current year.
Won tender on construction gradirija, prepares the platforms for placing of the building technology, materials and construction gradiria, access ways, conducts planning the territory. The building borough mounted, prepare required for building of the communications: power supply, technical pluming. Necessary rig and equipment are delivered for leading of the civil and erection work. The agreements conclude on production fabricated metals framework to towers gradirija, plastic irrigators and water- construction. The Manufacturers in Omsk and Lipeck have set to with performance of the order.
"All works go on schedule, and approaching winter on it will not affect. The montage of fabricated metals possible to conduct and at winter time. Gradirnya will is delivered upon the terms, as follows in 3-rd quarter 2008", - has noted the director Tyumenskoy TPP-2 Sergey Gusakov.
Remind, that need construction 4-th gradirija are conditioned existing at present time restriction condensation powers on Tyumenskoy TPP-2. Already at the temperature externally air above +13 C, three existing gradirijas don't provide output condensation powers up installed.
The Construction gradirija № 4 will allow to liquidate the restriction condensation power Tyumenskoy TPP-2 at year term.