Conference "Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan" Was Held in Almaty
OREANDA-NEWS. On December 03, 2007 Fund for development of small business JSC (Almaty), bonds of which are traded in the official category "A" list of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE), provided KASE with the press release, saying, reported the press-centre of KASE:
On November 29, the international conference "Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan: new beginning", confined to the decade anniversary of activities of Fund for development of small business JSC was conducted in Almaty.
The goal of the conference was discussion of problems of entrepreneurship in the country, ways of its solution, and also prospects of the furtherdevelopment of this key sector of economy.
More than 200 persons participated in the conference, among them the representatives of small- and middle-sized businesses, state and leading financial institutions of Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations, business associations, and the unions of businessmen of RK:
- Ministry of industry and trade, economy and budget planning, finance,
- Fund of steady development "Kazyna"
- National economical board "Union Atameken";
- Associations of micro organizations of Kazakhstan financial;
- International organizations - European bank of reconstruction and development, American Agency of international development, World bank, UNDP and others.
During the Conference discussions have been held; they were devoted to the problems of entrepreneurship development and state policy in this field. During the discussions the participants were notified with the last changes in legislation, current situation and further prospects in that area. Foreign experience in supporting small- and middle-sized businesses in the advanced countries and transition countries, results of the decade, and new strategy of Fund for development of small business JSC were presented to the participants.
Among the problems the participants marked the next ones: legislative provisions, state guarantees, imperfection of mechanisms of financial support of small- and middle-sized businesses, administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship and others.
Gosman Amrin, Chairman of Board of Fund for development of small business JSC noted in his speech: "Now, it can be said with certainty that starting from 2007, Fund for development of small business is ready for transformation within the realities of new economical development, therefore, it will transform into the Fund of entrepreneurship development "DAMU". In the renewed format the role of the Fund will consist in integration of real methods of development of business environment of entrepreneurship through realization of directions, set by the state. Jointly with our shareholder - Fund of steady development "Kazyna" and other development institutions - we strive to contribute to the economical, social and political prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan".