Final of Lottery "10 000 kWh as a Gift" Took Place in Irkutsk Region
OREANDA-NEWS. November 30, 2007. On November 25, in Tulun, the final round of the stimulating lottery "10 000 kWh as a gift" of JSC Irkutskenergo took place. According to the press service of Energosbyt of JSC Irkutskenergo, such lotteries were held by JSC Irkutskenergo not for the first time. Drawing was held in 2004-2005 in Irkutsk and Angarsk, and also in villages of the Irkutsk area.
Feature of the given lottery was the fact that subscribers took part in drawing not by a casual principle, but having put the certain efforts. In comparison with the last year the time interval of passage of the action (about 2 months) has increased, that enabled more subscribers to participate in this lottery, than in previous years.
Every inhabitant of Tulun and the area had an opportunity to participate in the lottery, who duly and on a regular basis paid for the consumed electric power. Drawing passed several stages: the subscribers who in due time paid for the electric power during terms of passage of the action from October 1 to November 10, should exchange payment documents for the coupons entitling participation in the semifinal. Then in the presence of the lottery commissions 40 numbers of personal accounts of subscribers were selected from the lottery drummer, who participated in the final. Selection of finalists was broadcast on air of the Tulum TV. In a final part of a lottery prizes were played: home appliances, electrotool, chain saw, and also three main prizes - gift certificates for 10 000 kWh. According to director of Energosbyt Company Sergey Babkin, 10 000 kWh suffice approximately for two years of daily current consumption.
The number of participants of the lottery exceeded 3500 people that inTulun and the area exceeds an average index of payment activity by 26 %.