Kyiv Hosts International Industrial Forum-2007
OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2007. Over 500 companies from 26 countries are participating in the 6th International Industrial Forum-2007, the Ukrainian largest industrial exhibition of machine-builders and metal-working industry, reported the Official website
The forum is organized by the Ministry of Industrial Policy, National Expo Center Ltd and Ukrainian National Company "UkrStankoInstrument".
A large-scale exposition of equipment of Japan's leading companies Yamazaki Mazak Trading Corp, Моri Sеіkі, Оkumа, Sodick Соmраnу, ТНK and Yараn Тооl Serviсе has been first presented at the Ukrainian forum.
Within the framework of the forum, which will last to November 30, there will be conferences and seminars on development of scientific and industrial potential of the machine-building sector, enhancement of production quality and safety problems at enterprises.