Ali Amirov Diving Ship Modernized
OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2007. As announced, Caspian Oil Fleet implements important activities to apply all-embracing systems to its structure. The most important one of these cyclic works is to modernize the ships owned by the Fleet, and to increase their technical capacity. SOCAR takes into consideration all these factors. Ships and equipments are regularly being inspected, repaired and conformed to the modern standards. “Ali Amirov” ship owned by the Fleet has an ability to carry out flexodrilling at a depth of 200 meter. Also, this engineering-survey ship is often exploited for diving works.
The other day “Ali Amirov” ship was modernized, and its technical capacity was improved. It is already possible to carry out diving and underwater technical works after repair, by using pressed air at a dept of 60 meter and helium and mixture of helium-oxygen at a depth of 10 meter. Underwater lights and hydraulic system for the utilization of hydro devices, as well as underwater video devices and oxy-electric metalcutting tool were installed on the board of the ship.
Commissioning of the bunged breathing system installed on the board considerably saves helium which is very expensive and used in the breathing mixtures while divers are diving. All these factors enable Caspian Oil Fleet to carry out high-quality work during off-shore oil-gas production, and construction and mounting work.