SOCAR Constructors Completed 253-km Main Gas Pipelines
OREANDA-NEWS. November 15, 2007. The 26-km part of “Neft Dashlary”- “Bahar” main gas pipeline was constructed by the pipe-lay ship named after Israfil Huseynov for 12 days. Construction of the 67-km submarine pipeline is to be completed by the end of November. Transportation capacity of the pipeline will be 5.5 million cubic meters per day. Thus, the most important start-up object of the year will be handed over on time. According to the head of Investment Department of SOCAR Aghasaf Aliyev, the total length of the main gas pipelines constructed during the year of 2007 is 253 km of which 127 km belongs to submarine and 126 km belongs to overhead pipelines. In addition, construction of 111-km magistral lines is to be completed only at “Gunashli” field by the end of the year. Two of them are gas pipelines and overall length of both lines makes up 45 km. Those pipelines, which would transport high pressure gas and low pressure gas separately, were commissioned in the first half of the year.
Those lines were connected to high-flow gas fields which led to 1.5 times increase in daily hand over of “28 May” OGED. Gas production of OGED is expected to be twice more in 2008 compared to 2006. Thus, it is a major reason for the construction of “Neft Dashlari”-“Bahar” main gas line. In addition, construction of 47-km Sangachal-Galmaz-Gazimammad gas pipeline with 1219 mm diameter was also completed. The pipeline was projected to carry gas produced at “Shahdaniz” to the regions of Azerbaijan. Construction of the 23-km part of the pipeline till Galmaz was completed and commissioned in June. During the entire summer “Shahdaniz” gas was transported to Galmaz gas storage through that route to build up gas reserves for winter season. On the eve of the professional holiday of oil workers the rest of the pipeline was also constructed. Therefore, “Shahdaniz” gas is being delivered to the regions of Azerbaijan from Gazimammad. Transportation capacity of the pipeline is 5-6 million cubic meters per day. Construction of the pipeline was cost at 46 million manat. The pipeline belongs to “Azerigas" CJS. Also, 27-km high pressure pipeline from Sangachal terminal to Garadagh underground gas storage was constructed. The pipeline will take “Shahdaniz” gas to Garadagh storage.
Transportation capacity of the pipeline, which was constructed for 22 million manat, is 10 million cubic meters per day. It was also put into commission of “Azerigas" CJS. The direction of the 1200-mm main gas pipeline on Takhtakorpu water reservoir in Davachi was changed and new 10-km line was constructed. This line was also put into operation. Furthermore, 10-km oil pipeline was constructed along with the gas pipeline crossing by the water reservoir. The State Commission will approve the pipeline in the near future. The constructors of Oil and Gas Construction Department have been carrying out qualified work in Georgia as well. The Georgian office of the department established on March 2, 2006, and it has been implementing the third contract in the area close to the Azerbaijani boarder. Construction of the 34.5-km part of the Gardabani-Naftulugi gas pipeline will be completed by the end of the year. It should be mentioned that construction of all overhead gas pipelines was carried out in the areas with rough relief which requires hard work. Inspections showed that all recent constructions are meeting universal standards. Oil and Gas Construction Trust holds 3 international certificates for quality, ecological security and labor safety, and the recent constructions are visual evidences how well the Trust meets universal standards.