EuroChem Prepares Corporate Social Report "Key to Growth"
OREANDA-NEWS. OJSC MCC "EuroChem" has prepared the social report "Key to Growth" reflecting the main annual indicators and results of financial and economic activity, principles of implementation of the social policy, fair corporate behavior, assurance of industrial safety and environmental protection, priority directions of internal and external social investments of the company.
According to the company's press service, the purpose of the report is not only to present the results of 2006 but also to declare the plans of the company for the future in the area of sustainable development. It is prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and the Global Compact UN. Its external verification was carried out by the "Bureau Veritas Certification". The report was compiled following the results of dialogues with interested parties executed both in the regions of presence of the company and in Moscow. For obtainment of data published in the corporate social report of the company a set of methods for measurements of data and calculations was used. Information and indicators of production and financial activity of the company were accumulated according to corporate management procedures developed at the holding, as well as on the basis of the standards and requirements of business reporting adopted in Russian and international practice.
The company shares the principles of social responsibility, which are effective in most developed countries and aspires to apply the same in practice in all areas of its professional activity.