B2B-Energo Holds Largest E-Tender in Russia
OREANDA-NEWS. The B2B-Energo trading system arranged a public e-tender which became the largest one ever held in Russia. OAO "WGC-2" used the system to invite bids from EPCM contractors to build two 660 MW coal-fired power units at the Troitskaya TPP in the Chelyabinsk Region. The total value of the tender was RUB57.6 billion. As a result of prequalification, four Russian companies, OAO "Gruppa E4", ZAO "Ural Turbine Plant", OOO "Uralenergostroy Management Company", ZAO "KVARTZ-Tyumen", have taken part in the bidding process. The contract was awarded to ZAO "KVARTZ-Tyumen" which submitted the lowest bid.
According to the RAO UES press service, the uniqueness of the tender was confirmed by the National Association of Electronic Trade Participants. In his letter to RAO "UES of Russia", Anton Nikolsky, the Association's Executive Director and Chairman of the Organizational Committee of the National Rating for Procurement Transparency Project stated that the RUB57bn tender is the largest e-tender ever held in Russia.
The previous largest e-tender was the tender to select a general contactor to build two PGU-400-based power units with a combined capacity of 800 MW at the Surgutskaya TPP-2 of OAO "WGC-4" also held in the B2B-energo system. Indications of interest were received from over 30 bidders, including OAO "Power Machines", OAO "Electrouralmontazh", OOO "KVARTZ Management Company", and OAO "Stroytransgaz". The contract was awarded to the consortium of the GE International Inc., USA and Gama Guc Sistemleri Muhendislik ve Taahhut A.S., Turkey, which offered the lowest cost of construction. The winning bid was in excess of RUB20 billion.
Thus, the RAO UES energy have demonstrated that the e-trading system may be used not only to purchase fungible goods, such as office supplies. The B2B-energo system is successfully used to hold tenders of any degree of complexity, including tenders to purchase works and services needed to construct large energy facilities on a turnkey basis.