OREANDA-NEWS. The State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting is initiating development of Ukrainian books sale system, First Deputy Chief of the State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting Anatoliy Murakhovskyi told a November 6 sitting of the Committee's staff, reported the Official website www.kmu.gov.ua.

The committee has drafted and forwarded to the VR amendments to the law "On Libraries", which will enable to establish over 2,000 book stores inside libraries. This will ensure development book commerce in Ukraine. This is a system project, which will enable all the libraries to sell books, Murakhovskyi stressed.

The committee is also initiating the governmental resolution on provision of books sale services to Ukrainian's. One library will be predetermined for 20,000 Ukrainians. Thus, books stores will also operate in villages and rural districts. According to data of the State Committee for TV and Radio broadcastings, as many as 400 book stores operate in Ukraine, which is 10fold less if compared to 1991.

Speaking about book publishing Murakhovskyti admitted to positive dynamics the sector's development. The committee claims to boosted publishing amounts. The state run organization "Ivan Fedorov Book Chamber of Ukraine" has registered 14,500 names of new books in the draw of 37,1 M. copies, which is by 14% more year-over-year.

Murakhovksyi also noted that the State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting has financed 119 books at 11.1 m UAH within the framework of the state program "Ukrainian Book". In 2007 as many as 139 books in the draw of 650,000 copies, evaluated at 20 M. UAH will be published within the framework of the program.