BANK CASPIAN Informed about Results of its Activities
OREANDA-NEWS. On October 30, 2007 BANK CASPIAN JSC (Almaty), shares and bonds of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list had spread the press-release in which the following is informed, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Bank Caspian JSC announced results of its activities for 9 months of year 2007.
Since beginning of year assets increased by 20% and by 10% for the last three months, making KZT238 bn. Credit portfolio increased by 39% since the beginning of year and by 18% for the last three months and made KZT178 bn. Deposits of clients increased for the last three months by 9% and had reached KZT68 bn. Shareholders equity increased by 36% since the beginning of year and made KZT37 bn.
Income for 9 months of year 2007 made KZT4.1 bn..
Main results for 9 months of year 2007:
- Assets - KZT238 bn.
- Credit portfolio - KZT178 bn.
- Deposits of clients - KZT68 bn.
- Shareholders' equity - KZT37 bn.
- Net income - KZT4.1 bn.
Three last months of year 2007 were characterized by especially high rates of growth. Starting from June 2007 credit portfolio of bank increased by 18% to KZT178 bn., deposits increased by 10% to KZT68 bn.
"Considering the difficult situation on external capital markets we are very pleased to announce the successful results of Caspian bank for 9 months of year 2007", - told Mikhail Lomtadze, chairman of board of Bank Caspian JSC. - "Demand for our services had increased significantly, as the result, growth of retail crediting made 24% and our retail portfolio, including credits to small and middle enterprisers had reached KZT100 bn.".
"We are continuing to realize the strategy, planned in the beginning of year, aimed on stable and moderate growth and provision of high reliability of our bank, - Mr. Lomtadze told. - The important basis for achievement of our strategic goals are three factors. Firstly, we have one of the highest levels of capital among Kazakhstan banks - more than 22%. Secondly, Caspian have the lowest level of external borrowings, which make only 34%. After payment of more than $80 m. in September we do not have any external payments this year. Thirdly, investors of the bank have big financial abilities. Just this year they extracted more than KZT22 bn. in form of credit resources and investments to capital".
"Especially important is that stability of our bank find the reflection in trust of our clients", - Mikhail Lomtadze continued. - "Deposits of our bank increased by 10% for the last three months and made more than KZT68 bn.".
Baring Vostok Capital Partners:
Baring Vostok Capital Partners is specializing on investments to CIS. Since year 1994 funds of Baring Vostok had invested more than $600 m. to 50 companies, among which the number of successful companies in sphere of financial services, oil and gas field, telecommunications and mass media sources, in consumer sector, including such as: Bank Caspian, Europlan, Center of Financial Technologies, Burren Energy, Vymplekom, Golden Telecom, Syktyvkarskiy TIC, Sladko, Borjomi, Yandex and Ozon. Among investors of fund are also such famous international financial institutions as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Financial Corporation and also largest world pension funds, governmental investment corporations, university funds from America, Europe and Asia. Baring Vostok is included to staff of Baring Private Equity International, group of direct investment funds' management with $3,5 bn. assets in CIS, Asia, India, Europe and Latin America.
Investor to Bank Caspian JSC is the leading fund of direct investments Baring Vostok Private Equity III (BVPEF III).