Stroytransgaz Completed Construction of Oil Treatment Plant Yuzhnaya
OREANDA-NEWS. A solemn ceremony of commissioning of Oil Treatment Plant Yuzhnaya took place. Oil Treatment Plant Yuzhnaya is a complex for oil treatment and delivery to oil-trunk pipelines in Samara region.
PJSC Stroytransgaz being the General Contractor of the project carried out construction of 48 sub-facilities of Oil Treatment Plant Yuzhnaya. Among them oil discharge station, oil treatment plant, pumping house of crude stock oil, flare, commercial oil metering stations, crude/stock oil tank farm, stock oil pipeline, fire extinguishing facilities, utilities and auxiliary facilities.
Design capacity of stock oil treatment plant is 1,761 thousand tons per year. ZAO Samara-Nafta was the customer and the investor of the project. Vneshtruboprovodstroy (construction and assembly) and OOO STG Engineering Holding (procurement) were principal subcontractors.
Construction works commenced in November 2006 and were completed 10 months prior to the date stipulated in the contract, which became practicable due to contemporary construction of 1st and 2nd construction stages of oil treatment plant. Accelerated pace of construction was reached through timely delivery of the required equipment and materials by subcontractors.
Vice-president of PJSC Stroytransgaz Boris Ber and Head of Directorate for Construction Projects Implementation Yuriy Orlov participated in the solemn ceremony on the part of the general contractor. Subcontractors were represented by General Director of OOO Vneshtruboprovodstroy Vladimir Drobyazko and Deputy General Director of ООО Vneshtruboprovodstroy Boris Blekhmanso.
The Customer was represented by General Director of ZAO Samara-Nafta Semen Koukes, Chief Engineer of ZAO Samara-Nafta Alexander Andrianov, Technical Director of ZAO Samara-Nafta Alexey Vashkevitch, Chief Manager of ZAO Samara-Nafta Andrey Sergeenkov and Executive Vice President and President, Worldwide Exploration & Production of Hess Corporation (USA) John J. O'Connor.
Acting Head of Administration of Kinelsky district of the Samara region Alexander Putilin also took part in the ceremony.
All participants pointed out high professionalism of