OREANDA-NEWS. On October 24, 2007 Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in the official category "A" listing of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE), had spread a press release, informing that inauguration of the first in Kazakhstan National Kazakhstan Traffic Exchange took place on October 24 in Almaty with participation of the Chairman of Board of the company Mr Jumaliev, reported the press-centre of KASE.

According to the message of Kazakhtelecom JSC, realization of this project will allow to optimize the expenses of providers and to decrease tariffs on offering Internet services to final users.

The mentioned center on basis of the company's technological platform in Almaty where many Internet providers historically have their points of presence. A non-profit association of juridical persons was founded in the form of an association for administration of the center and legal regulation of interaction between Kazakhstani Internet providers.

The exchange is a neutral network structure and will provide the primary Kazakhstani Internet services providers (ISP) with an opportunity to exchange with Kazakhstani Internet traffic without using of international Internet channels.

The unified rules and conditions will be operating for all providers in accordance with standard agreements. Particularly, Kazakhstan traffic exchange will be provided within the exchange's platform on free and non-compensatory basis. At that, all expenses for creation and maintenance of the exchange's operations have to be paid from the fees of member companies (primary ISP).