Pravex-Telegraph Does not Waste a Second
OREANDA-NEWS. Time is the most precious and irrevocable in the modern world. How can one win in this unequal fight? How to save time while performing money transfers? Money transfer issue early or late every person has: somebody's child studies in another city, somebody wants to help parents financially, and sometimes it is just necessary to assist a close person that is in trip.
How to identify the fastest money transfer system?!
Great role while choosing transfer system is played by work experience of the system at the money transfer market. "PRAVEX-TELEGRAPH" is one of the first money transfer systems in Ukraine. Due to the speed and quality of clients service under this system, and also tariffs accessibility it became really money transfer national system which successfully has been working at the Ukrainian market for 5 years already. "PRAVEX-TELEGRAPH" tariffs are optimal, and it is witnessed by constantly growing clients' base", - says Roman VALESYUK, senior Vice-Chairman of the Board of PRAVEX-BANK.
For today there is observed increase of volume of intrabank money transfers under "PRAVEX-BANK" system almost in two times in comparison with analogous period of 2006.
"PRAVEX-TELEGRAPH" money transfer system due to its simplicity and accessibility became one of the strongest and popular instruments of money transfer in Ukraine. Commission at the amount of 1% (from the amount of transfer more than UAH 1 000 in national currency and more than USD and EUR 3 000) sender pays. Together with transfer a client can send message free of charge up to 100 symbols. The whole operation takes not more than 10 minutes.
"Clients can quickly send and receive transfer over Ukraine both in hryvnas and in foreign currency (USD, EUR). "PRAVEX-TELEGRAPH" instant money transfer system is rapid, qualitative, confidential. As Jean Batiste Moliere said: "Who won time he won everything ", - says Mr VALESYUK.