Russian Post Gives New Life to the Books at the Festival
OREANDA-NEWS. October 17, 2007. The World Post Day, Moscow Central Exhibition Hall Manezh saw opening of international festival of school libraries BibliObraz - 2007 held and supported by FSUE Russian Post.
Russian Post participates in the action “New life to a book!” within the framework of the festival to develop school libraries and attract children to reading. The enterprise participates in the action aiming to get old books and give them to school libraries in Russia. In 2003 the action got 2, 225 books and delivered them to 104 Russian libraries that participated in the final competition BibliObraz in 297 parcels. In 2005 the festival’s three days gathered 12, 500 books (384 parcels). This year expects to get 600 parcels with books sent by Russian Post to orphan homes, residential homes and school libraries for free.
The action “New life to a book!” was supported by the guests and participants of the festival. Many of them emphasized that books can be used as an instrument to broaden outlook, set personality and extend cultural dialogue. Book can teach to find compromises not only between people, but generations, noted the wife of the President of the Russian Federation Luidmila Putina headed the Festival’s Organizing Committee.
All the participants can subscribe for popular children editions on favorable terms and send letters and cards to their friends. Post supports programs aimed at development of the Russian language and culture. It also implements its own projects. All-Russian competition The Best Letter-Writing Lesson held by Russian Post with its top goal to rebirth the writing culture and attract young generation to the values of the Russian language gathered teachers and pupils Russia-wide. The final of the competition in 2007 was held in Moscow State Children Art Palace in Vorobiev Hills.
The solemn cancelling ceremony of art marked envelope devoted to the International action Opening each other was within the framework of the festival. The Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation L. Reiman and Luidmila Putina put their signatures and stamp impressions on the envelopes. They noted postal service relevance and necessity in the time of information technologies.
Festival BibliObraz is held for the third time. It became the large-scale event in the library sphere as it gathered literary men, librarians and young readers from Europe, America and Asia, 22 countries in general.