Bratsk Commodity Output Over 520 Thousand Tonnes
OREANDA-NEWS. October 15, 2007. During the first three quarters of 2007, commodity output of Ilim Group Bratsk branch (previously Bratsk Pulp and Containerboard Mill) amounted to 526.3 thousand tonnes, 8.3 thousand tonnes (1.5%) down as compared to January — September 2006.
Output of market pulp totalled 372.9 thousand tonnes, 6 thousand tonnes (1.6%) up as compared to the first seven months of 2006. Container board output amounted to 153.5 thousand tonnes, 14.4 thousand tonnes (8.5%) down year-over-year. Such a drop in output is due to a long-term realization of a large investment project to replace the in-line cutter-slitter of the board machine in the board line.
General pulping was at 570.9 thousand tonnes, 6 thousand tonnes (1%) down as compared to January – September 2006. Bleached softwood pulp output was at 165 thousand tonnes, 1.4 thousand tonnes (0.8%) up year-over-year. Bleached hardwood pulp output totalled 193.8 thousand tonnes, 6.4 thousand tonnes (3.4%) up year-over-year.
Over the first three quarters of 2007, 2 mln 527 thousand cu metres of raw materials were delivered to the facilities, 15.8 thousand tonnes (0.6%) down year-over-year. Pulpchip output was at 2 mln 219 thousand cu metres, 90.2 thousand cu metres (3.9%) down as compared to the first nine months of 2006.