Results of General Meeting of JSC ТGC-9 Was Summed up
OREANDA-NEWS. October 11, 2007. In the agenda of assembly of shareholders dtd the 26-th of September, 2007 questions on payment (announcement) of dividends of the Society were concluded by results of the first half-year of 2007 and about approval of the large transaction.
On the first question the decision was accepted about payment of dividends under ordinary shares of the Society by results of the first half-year 2007 at a rate of 0,0000293091 rbl. on one ordinary share of the Society in the monetary form within 60 days from the date of decision-making on their payment.
Concerning the question of approval of the large transaction at assembly of shareholders, the decision is not accepted.
Open Joint Stock Company “Territorial Generating Company №9” was registered on December, 9 2004 and started operational activity on April, 1 2005.
The company includes 23 power stations, 35 boiler shops and 4 heat networks factories located at Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk Region and the Republic of Komi. The installed generating capacity of the company is 3280 MWt, heat capacity - 18952 Gk/h. The staff accounts over 11 thousand people. The General Director of OJSC “TGC-9” is Andrey Yu.Makarov.
The formation of target structure of the Company passed in two stages. On May,1 2006 OJSC TGC-9 was restructured through incorporation of OJSC Perm Generating Company and OJSC Sverdlovsk Generating Company. On February, 1 2007 OJSC “TGC-9” was reorganized by adjoining of OJSC Komi Regional Generating Company. OJSC “ Territorial Generating Company № 9” has completed s restructuring process.
RAO UES share in OJSC “TGC-9” is over 50, 049%, IES-Holding owns about 30 % of the shares of the company.
The share capital of OJSC “TGC-9” is 17 093 693 607 RUR 64 copeck. Shares of OJSC “TGC-9” are allowed to be put up for auction at RTS from September, 15 2006, at MICEX from September, 22 2006.