Taganrog Commercial Seaport Announces Throughput up 22%
OREANDA-NEWS. In January-September 2007, Commercial Seaport of Taganrog (TMTP OJSC) handled 1.5 million tonnes (+22%, year-on-year), the port reports according to RZD-Partner. In the reported period, transshipment of coal totaled 483,700 tonnes (+17.89%, year-on-year), oil cargo - 320,600 tonnes (+28.77%, year-on-year). In the reported period the company handled 97,080 tonnes of containerized cargo (+126%, year-on-year). In September TMTP handled 188,100 tonnes of cargo.
Taganrog Commercial Seaport OJSC is a stevedoring company of the port of Taganrog. The authorized capital of Taganrog Commercial Seaport OJSC amounts to RUR 837.709 thou rubles. It is divided into 628.282 thou ordinary and 209.427 thou preferred shares with a nominal value of 1 ruble each. The state owns 25.5% of the Company’s authorized capital, Dizhen LLC – 39.83%, VMV Trade System LLC – 9.98%.
TCS OJSC specializes in transshipment of ferrous and non-ferrous metal, ore, coal, alumina, containers and equipment. The Company comprises five cargo berths with a total length of 849 meters and depth from 4.5 to 5.0 meters. Design capacity of the transshipment complex is 1.5 – 2.0 million tonnes per year.