The Fourth Ukrainian Investment Forum Ukraine 2007 Was Held
OREANDA-NEWS. In his welcome address Edward Kaufman, Head of Investment Banking at Alfa-Bank, said that Ukraine had significant potential for growth and that Alfa-Bank and Alfa Capital Ukraine organised investment forums in Kiev on an annual basis to keep their large customers well informed of investment opportunities, the political situation, as well as the economic environment in Ukraine. The forum was attended by prominent figures like Evgeny Panteleev, Minister councillor of the Russian Embassy to Ukraine; Anatoly Kinakh, Ukraine’s Minister of Economy; Nokolai Katerinchuk, leader of the social and political movement “European Platform for Ukraine”; Viktor Pinzenyk, leader of the party “Reform and Order”; Gennady Gazin, chairman of the board at EastOne (former Interpipe); Evgeny Shapovalov, deputy chairman of the board at Ukrtelekom; Andrei Fomenko, director for strategic research and analysis at Development Construction Holding, and other representatives of the business community.
Leading foreign investors and Ukrainian businessmen had the opportunity to discuss future cooperation and review the results of efforts made to develop the Ukrainian equity market.
The forum continued in Donetsk, where investors were addressed by Harry Levesley, director of generation and distribution at DTEK; Konstantin Pisarchuk, head of investment at Metinvest and Alexander Rotov, president of investment and construction company Gerc. Forum participants also visited one of the local coal mines and football stadium under construction which will seat fifty thousand.
Upon completion of the investment forum, delegates went to Sochi to see a project currently under construction by the developer Sistema-Hals, and had discussions with the mayor of the city, Victor Kolodyazhny. Dmitry Mosin, Director for strategic planning of the Sochi 2014 Bid Committee, provided more details on how the city is preparing for the 2014 Olympics, and attendees were given information on potential new investment opportunities that emerged as a result of the city’s winning bid for the first Winter Olympic Games to be held in Russia.