OREANDA-NEWS. On October 02, 2007 KAZAKHMYS PLC company (London) common shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list provided KASE with a press-release in which the following is announced, reported the press-centre of KASE:

Kazakhmys PLC announces about holding the prescheduled general meeting of shareholders in order to approve the purchase of 18,8%-stake in ENRC PLC.

- The prescheduled general meeting of shareholders will take place on   October 19 of 2007 with the goal that the independent shareholders of Kazakhmys can vote for the use of the option on purchasing 18,8%-stake in ENRC Group;

- So that an approval from the side of Government of Kazakhstan would be received that would allow Kazakhmys becoming the direct owner of18,8% of ENRC PLC's shares;

- The purchase depends on approval from the side of independent shareholders of Kazakhmys and on normative approval from Government of Kazakhstan;

- The price of the purchase will total USD806,5 m. in accordance to the terms of contract about the right for purchase of stake in ENRC;

- The independent directors of Kazakhmys unanimously recommend that the shareholders vote in favor of this deal;

- Today, the brochures describing the details of the Purchase and a notification about the special general shareholders' meeting will be sent to the shareholders of Kazakhmys PLC.

Kazakhmys PLC company (further Kazakhmys or Company) has announced that in accordance with its notification dated September 4 of 2007, and after the approval of Government of Kazakhstan would have been received, the prescheduled general meeting of shareholders will take place with the goal that the independent shareholders of Kazakhmys could vote on the proposed purchase of the direct 18,8%-stake in Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC (ENRC) from the juridical person whose the only owner is the Chairman of Kazakhmys Board of directors, Mr. Vladimir Kim.

The purchase depends on approval from the side of independent shareholders of Kazakhmys on the prescheduled general meeting of shareholders and on normative approval from Government of Kazakhstan due to the indirect change in the right of ownership regarding the rights on subsurface use.

The ENRC Group is a large diversified mining and natural resources group with significant, high quality assets in Kazakhstan. The Independent Directors consider the investment key to Kazakhmys' long-term strategy of seeking to acquire interests in existing regional natural resources businesses with attractive internal and external growth prospects and its execution will bring significant benefits to Kazakhmys and its shareholders.

James Rutland, Senior Independent Non-executive Director of Kazakhmys said, "The Independent Directors are unanimous in believing that this transaction will create value for shareholders and consider that it will be in the best interests of the shareholders as a whole to vote in favour of this transaction on the upcoming prescheduled general meeting of shareholders."

The full version of KAZAKHMYS PLC press-release is available at:

- http://www.kase.kz/emitters/scan/kzms/gbkzms_reliz_021007.pdf  in Russian;
- http://www.kase.kz/emitters/scan/kzms/gbkzms_reliz_021007e.pdf in English