SPD and Contractors Reach 3 mln Manhours without LTI
OREANDA-NEWS. A new record safety milestone of 3,000,000 man-hours worked LTI free was reached by our team on Saturday - the 22nd of September, reported the press-centre of Salympetroleum.
This great achievement was accomplished jointly by the people working for SPD as well as for our contractor and subcontractor companies. So a big thank you goes to every single person involved in SPD activities! SPD remains committed to its vision to be recognized as best in class operator in Russia. HSSE is an integral part of any company’s activities.
We will be pursuing the goal of zero, meaning no harm to people and no significant incidents, and continuously and consistently work towards building a proactive safety culture among our own staff, as well as contractors who do work for us.
Please keep up your focused efforts to make our work safe by living out the SPD Golden Rules and let's aim at yet another million hours of work with no lost time injuries!