KASE Enhances Fees for Participants with Foreign Currencies
OREANDA-NEWS. By decision of Exchange's council of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) dated September 21, 2007 were included changes and additions #8 (amends) to KASE's internal document "Clause about membership fees and exchange takings" (Clause), reported the press-centre of KASE.
Mends are directed on coordination to Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan for regulating and supervision over financial market and organizations and would take an effect since October 1, 2007.
In accordance with named amends, sizes of monthly membership dues on "B" category (with the right on participation in trades with foreign currencies) are enhancing since October 1, 2007:
- from 150- to 400-times size of monthly payment indicator (MPI) – for member of exchange, not being the market-maker on any foreign currency and paying monthly membership fees of "B" category by scheme 1 (without additional payment of commission fees of exchange on operations with foreign currencies);
- from 75- to 200-times size of MPI - for member of exchange, being the market-maker on any foreign currency and paying monthly membership fees of "B" category by scheme 1;
- from 125- to 300-times size of MPI - for member of exchange, paying the monthly membership fees of "B" category by scheme 2 (with additional payment of commission fees of exchange on operations with foreign currencies).
Except this, since October 1, 2007 from equivalent of 1,5 to 3,0 m. US dollars is increased the size of monthly net-position on purchase and sale deals with foreign currencies for member of exchange, who had chosen scheme 2 of payment of monthly membership fees of "B" category, from which starts the charging of commission fees of exchange on operations with foreign currencies.
By amends is set that increase of size of monthly membership fees is not spread on National Bank of Republic of Kazakhstan, in relation to which are applied the sizes of membership fees, acting till October 1, 2007.
The renewed text of the Clause will be published on the web site of KASE at http://www.kase.kz/GenInfo/NormBase/ after coordination with AFS.