Director of Rostekhnadzor Meets with Foreign Colleagues
OREANDA-NEWS. September 21, 2007. The director of the Federal Agency for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Control Konstantin Pulikovsky is taking part in the 51st General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
He has met with his counterparts from India, Iran and the United States. “Iran, China and India apply the Russian model of nuclear and radiation safety control when building nuclear power plants and protecting nuclear materials,” Pulikovsky said. He noted that Iranian, Chinese and Indian experts regularly report to their Russian colleagues on their work and ask them for advice. The Russian nuclear and radiation safety rules and requirements serve as a guideline for them.
During a meeting with the chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dale Klein, Pulikovsky said: “Russia, just like the US, needs to urgently train nuclear safety inspectors. More than half of Rostekhandzor’s nuclear experts are of retirement age.” Klein confirmed that the US also has such a problem. That’s why each year his Commission is going to employ 20 new inspectors: 25% of them will be graduates of higher schools, while 75% nuclear industry workers, who have taken a special six-month training course.
Pulikovsky and Klein assured each other that their departments were ready to further develop their close cooperation.