Readiness of Engineering Specialists Was Highly Appreciated
OREANDA-NEWS. "Due to power engineering specialists for high degree of readiness to action", – said Minister of CD and ES of RT Rafis Habibullin, estimating the results of the classes at Kazan CHPP-1 for relation between the responsible services and methods of control in civil defense and protection from emergencies. They were held as part of All-Russia training conference of major state inspectors for fire control, heads of court- expert labs, chairmen of the regional divisions of voluntary fire rescue society.
Then Forum was attended by over 300 firefighters from Russia. It was attended by the state inspector of RF for fire control Gennadi Kirillov, head of Office of state fire control of MES of Russia, Yuri Nenashev, head of the Volga –Urals regional center of MES of RF Valeri Vlasov, Chairman of Central Board of public organization "All-Russia Voluntary Fire Rescue Society" Sergei Gruzd and head of Major Office of MES of RF and RT-Minister for CD and ES of Tatarstan Rafis Habibullin. Attendants were guided on the power holding objects by Deputy General Director of "JSC "Tatenergo" Y.I.Schelokov and head of head-quarters of CD and ES of JSC "Tatenergo" S.B.Zaharov. Among the speakers was Director of Kazan CHPP-1 R.Z.Galiullin.
One of the basic themes of discussion was the realization of the Concept for establishing the single system of state inspection in fire rescue safety, civil defense and protection of population and territory from emergencies. The Concept was developed for realization the decree of Government of Russian Federation dd., 1.12.05 #712 "Approval of provision of state control in the area of protection of population and territory from emergencies of natural and technological character, realized by MES of Russia", and the decree dd., 21.05.07 #305 " Approval of provision of state inspection in the area of civil defense". It offers extension of tasks of fire rescue. That’s why on Kazan CHPP-1 territory were held the demo-classes, that had to demonstrate the system of interconnection of responsible services and method of holding the action for control over meeting the laws in the area of CD and protection from ES.
At Kazan CHPP-1 were organized the three training stations, characterizing the work of the power company. Regarding civil defense the company is in the 2 category, regarding fire safety it is in the 3 class of danger. Chief engineer of the plant H.F.Minikaev explained the principal scheme of operation of GT and the open switchgear 110 kV. He familiarized the present with the scheme of making scenarios of emergency development telling about basic causes of emergencies.
The attendants of the All-Russia Forum presented the scheme of work of responsible person of state inspection on the entities. Here they familiarized with documentation, presented by the checking party.. Was considered their structural scheme of organization and the procedure of relations with other state control bodies, the scheme of emergency on the CHPP territory was developed. Attendants spoke of high degree of furnishing with special equipment and techniques, quality of uniform of the firefighters of CHPP-1.
Such appreciation of "Tatenergo" activity in the area of CD and ES is voiced again. In the power holding the work of civil defense and liquidation is done of both the staff and power engineering entities. In April the actions of emergency-rescue formations and management of JSC "Tatenergo" were highly assessed by supervisors from Ministry for Industry and power engineering of Russia, when its commission checked the activities of the industry and objects subsystem of prevention and liquidation of emergencies and provision of fire safety.