Mayor of Yelabuga Thanks the Power Engineering Specialists
OREANDA-NEWS. "The Council of Yelabuga municipal district thanks You for extensive help in celebrating the town Jubilee. Your valuable and valid help allowed to conduct the planned events, organize the difficult work for their realization", -is said in the cable undersigned by the head of Yelabuga municipal district of Tatarstan I.R.Gafurov.
As part of preparation of Yelabuga infrastructure for the Millennium the power engineering specialists did big work. According to program of capital construction the electricity was reconstructed in the historical downtown, on streets Kazanskaya, Bol. Pokrovskaya, Spasskaya, Gassara, Staheeva, children poly-clinic, the town culture house, the orphanage of family type. Was overhauled the HL ВЛ 220 kV Zavodskaya − Toima-2 of length 22.4 km. Were cleaned the ways from trees and bushes on the both chains of electricity transmission lines 110 kV Toima-2 − Prikamskaya, Toima-2 − Yelabuga, HL 110 kV Yelabuga − Morty-2. The substations Prikamskaya and Morty –2 were overhauled. At SS "Toima-2" was doen the overhaul of switches and circuit breakers 110 kV. At substations "Prikamskaya", "Yelabuga" and "Toima-2" was done the thermal-vision control of facilities. The five power transformers SS "Prikamskaya" and "Yelabuga" were diagnosed. The 13.8 km of HL 10 kV, 11.3 km of HL 0.4 kV and 14 KTP were overhauled.
For reliable electricity supply on Maidan were mounted the additional KTP 630 KVА, the diesel -generator, mounting and start-up-adjusting works were completed. At the new stadium, Gorodische, Shishkin ponds, where the celebrations were held, the staff of EEG did preparations for their reliable supply with electricity.
On the eve and during the celebrations the leading specialists of the Yelabuga grids together with staff of "Energoschit LTD" and power militia kept the daily watching of the power engineering facilities. For reliable electricity supply the attendants and emergency teams were on shift around the clock.
The storm did not frustrate the holiday. During the storm and the shower and the strong wind was broken the 35 meter metal pole, as a result at 1748 the two-chain aerial line 110kV "Toima-2 - Prikamskaya" broke and the light went off the major part of the town. By efforts of the power engineering specialists the electricity started supply at 2252. The celebrations went on non-stop as the center of celebrations, the "Maidan" was supplied with electricity non-stop.
The power engineering specialists continue works on the on the social infrastructure objects of the Millennium town. The JSC "Tatenergo" allocated over 10 million rubles.