ONOS Celebrated the Professional Holiday on a High Note
OREANDA-NEWS. The weather was excellent – mild autumn sun after a refreshing night rain. It was clearly seen that nature favored oil and gas branches on the whole and the team of OAO “Orsknefteorgsintez” in particular. The personnel of ONOS celebrated the professional holiday of oilmen in traditionally grand style. The whole team went to the country camp “Sputnik” to confirm once more a universally known truth “That who can relax well can work well”.
People arrived in shops, in departments, in families. Different groups, but all united by festive mood. It was the idea of the organizers of the celebration. They did their best to fill every corner of the camp with joy. To tell you the truth, we didn’t even have enough time to get everywhere – disco, shooting range, paint-ball, karaoke, football, children’s festival with clowns - everything that was done to make this day bright and unforgettable. The administrators of the plant were among those who gave festive tone to the event.
The Director of Personnel and Labor Department of OAO “Orsknefteorgsintez” Victor Andreyevich Isayev, dressed in a democratic jogging suit, was playing the part of the host of the concert, drumming the spectators to the main stage. To tell you the truth, he did the job perfectly. The General Director of ONOS, Vladimir Vassilievich Piliugin made a very short greeting speech for the situation didn’t seem suitable for long official discourses. The main idea of the greeting was: one of the major plants in the city, in many aspects determining its financial and social stability keeps staying in the forefront of the branch.
- This is the difference between professional and common holidays: professional holidays involve not only congratulations of general character, but summing up of work results as well. It is a pleasure for me to announce the results, because the production program for the passed eight months is completed, moreover, the plant increased the volumes of refining. Besides, reconstruction and upgrading of the plant is well under way and it will permit to raise the quality of our production.
In spite of non-official tone of the conversation Vladimir Vassilievich didn’t avoid the question which is especially acute for the workers of the plant today – what are the prospects for the plant in connection with change of the owner?
- The plant keeps working in the same regime. At present we are preparing the next year business plan which foresees both increase of production level and full range of social programs. Our production which is as usual in great demand at the market remains a warranty of our stable work.
Mr. Piliugin wished the workers of the plant good spirits and this was the end of the formal part of the event.
Congratulations and the hymn of the plant were still sounding at the stage, and the people rushed to entertainment sites. Dance-pool filled with dancers as soon as favorite hits of the 80-s started to sound. Those who waited for their turn to sing in karaoke formed a line and danced in order not to waste time. Men gathered at the shooting range and there we noticed Vladimir Vassilievich Pilikugin with a rifle atilt.
Of course, the most hilarious atmosphere was at the children’s site. Clowns, concourses, fire works, mounts of prizes and dances - even the adults left their spectators’ seats and danced with the children. And the children wouldn’t stop!
Frankly speaking, not only the children wouldn’t stop and go home. Both the players and the spectators stayed at the stadium where the football match ended with the score love : love. Tug-of-war was repeated again and again, for the spectators asked “Encore!”
It was a joyful sunny day when the large plant had a legal (with a special sense of the word) day off.
OV Reference:
During 7 months of this year OAO “Orsknefteorgsintez” has processed 2861 K tons of oil stock (110,4% as compared with the analogous period of the last year).
According to the program of investments 367 million rubles is invested in upgrading and reconstruction.
About 17 million rubles is spent within the frames of Agreement on Social and Economic Partnership with the administration of Orsk. The financial means are invested in gasification od settlements, reconstruction of the airport, repair works at the maternity hospital etc.