OREANDA-NEWS. September 7, 2007. The news that the subsidiary of “RussNeft”, OAO MPK “Aganneftegasgeologia” has almost doubled its daily production by the end of the first half-year appeared in the press just on the eve of the oilmen’s professional holiday. Among other everyday events of the branch this one is probably the most optimistic. 4.5 tons oil per day sounds impressive. So, the ambitious plans to produce 2 million tons by the end of the year are quire real. The way to the benchmark of one million tons per year – this was the result of ANGG in 2004 – was much longer.

Double leap.

According to the general Director of OAO MPK “Aganneftegasgeologia”, Evgeni Shatski, the result of the first half year  was achieved thanks to a number of measures. The losses due to geological and technical works done in 2006-2007 were reduced. In particular, the efficiency of hydrofracturings of formations was 50 tons per well. ANGG became the leader among the Siberian subsidiaries of “RussNeft” due to dynamic drilling and operation of Roslavlskoye oilfield.
The resources proved to be rich here. and the recovery rate , to the oilmen’s pleasure appeared 2.5 and somewhere 4 times more than it was expected.

But the success was preceded by hard work of geologists.

According to general Director for geology, Yuri Beruchev, prospectivity of the oilfield was confirmed by drilling of well P-34, which  opened up  three productive horizons. The drillmen discovered Jurassic reservoirs. 120 cbm of oil was produced by natural flow.
It was a new page opened by “Aganneftegasgeologia” in the history of oil production of the Company. Development of the new wells permitted to increase daily oil production by 60% as compared with the analogous results of the last year.

Every oilman knows that new wells mean lot of troublesome but pleasant work: modernization of equipment, new technologies, want of new workers, development of sites etc. This is what is going on now at “Aganneftegasgeologia”. Much work has been done during the summer.

On the road to Zapadno-Mogutlorskoye oilfield subcontractors of OOO “Arm-plast” are constricting an additional pipeline which is to be connected with “Transneft”: system”. The oilmen from Aganskoye do not conceal the fact that the existing system of pipelines failed to cope with the huge amounts of oil.  The well stock of Roslavlskoye is rather impressive – 55 oil wells out of 90 in total. When seven new wells at Vostochno-Roslavlckoye were put into operation (and their daily production is more than 2 thousand tons) it became clear that capacity of inter-oilfield pipeline was to be increased. new equipment and up-to date technologies, both domestic and Western ones, came in handy. According to the Chief of Oil and Gas Production Department, Yuri Sutunkov, the specialists of the company had done a seriously preliminary work.. The plants produced by “Chlumberge” are installed at the new wells with high flow rate . Last year the company acquired and introduced new up-to date installations meeting new state standards – “ASMA-400” and “OZNO” permitting to make measurements 1.t.200 m. per day,  filters “Jensh” – the latest product of “Novomed-Perm” plant. All these innovations brought considerable results. 

“We have installed the new  block of reagent plant which permits to increase the volume of the pumped oil and to use a special additive which raises the carrying capacity of the pipeline” – says Dmitru Kutyga, deputy oil production shop master.

The additive is a know-how of  an American company “Becker Hughes”. Its receipt is kept in secret. But the use of it permits to reduce hydraulic pressure in the pipeline and to raise the volume of the pumped oil by 20-30%. The tests were done in August and the results proved to be positive.

General Director Evgeni Shatsky says that the know-how immediately brought profit. Adding 70-80liters of foreign reagent per day permitted to avoid using a lot of oil transporting vehicles and accumulating them in reservoir stock. Isn’t it that very oil production efficiency growth which has been so much spoken about lately?

Positive changes in the life of “Aganneftegasgeologia” inspire all the workers of the company. Oil and gas production operator Andrei Agapov serves one of the largest pads of Roslavlskoye oilfield, pad No 6. It encompasses 19 producing oil wells, 5 repressuring wells, and one water supply well. Agapov admits that it became much more interesting to make control measurements – the figures are much higher. And the oil is clear, with low watering. In short, to work in the new conditions is a pleasure.

Now the oilmen of Roslavskoye oilfield are finishing preparation for autumn and winter period. They prepare drainage systems, check the conditions at the pads, isolation valves. In course of their dynamic development and exploitation of the resources “Aganneftegasgeologia” never forget ecology matters. Primeval beauty of the surroundings, clear waters of lakes and rivers confirm wise position of the oilmen in this matter.

Everything is still to begin…

Oil production growth in “Aganneftegasgeologia” was followed by infrastructure enhancement. It can be instantly seen at Zapadno-Mogutlorsoye oilfield where the central gathering center is situated. Gathering center master Vladimir Kozlov says that many key points of the Company’s work depend on the functioning of this module. They have a lot of work to do and everything is kept under control. All the plans are immediately carried out into practice, any problems are resolved without delays.

When we came to the oilfield testing of a new oil cut meter was under way. Centrifugal pumps were being replaced. Welders were preparing armature for pump equipment installation at the pumping block No 2.   At another site winterizing of pipelines was going on. Block 2 of chemical laboratory was being finished and awaiting for new equipment to be brought . A new block of measurement lines No 2 UUN was completed and put into operation.

“We have done much during this summer”, says Vladimir Kozlov. “We have installed new equipment instead the old one. We paid much attention to the matters of industrial security and freedom from accidents. More work – more workers needed. We now employ six stock operators instead of five ones. People work hardly and enthusiastically. By the way, the salaries have also grown and this fact makes people optimistic”.

To sum up, the changes in “Aganneftegasgeologia” permit to announce special position of the company and its prospective and , what is important, interesting (according to the employees) future.  The company makes plans not for a year ahead but for several years.  And they have full right to do that. It was in the beginning of the year that the company underwent restructuring and the main stress was done on oil production. “Aganstroy” and “Aganbureniye” became independent service companies. Net effective pay of Roslavlskoye, Mogutlorsokoye and Zapadno-Mogutlorskoye oilfields is estimated as about 13 million tons of oil. This year two more pads – Chukhlorsky and Yuzhno-Roslavlsky  license sites were added to the company’s assets. Geological exploration works will take place here. “Wild cats’”  are already in the past.

Vopstochno-Roslavlskoye oilfield is also in the beginning of a long and prosperous way. Twp gigantic rigs can be seen from afar.  Huge platforms, drill-rods, rings…

“We are not even I the middle, we are in the beginning of the way”, says the General Director, Evgeni Shatsky. All the key points lie ahead”.