Kazakhtelecom Increased Amount of Users Access to Internet
OREANDA-NEWS. On September 06, 2007 Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list, provided KASE with the press-release of next contention, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Amount of commercial active users of services of fixed (wide-band, by ADSL technology) access to Internet in the network of Kazakhtelecom JSC by results of first half-year of 2007 had reached 59,885 subscribers. Fro comparison: for the similar period of year 2006 the given indicator made 14,064 subscribers. So, growth of indicator made 426%.
Number of active users of services of dial-up access to Internet in the network of Kazakhtelecom JSC by results of first half-year of 2007 increased to 241,453 subscribers. By data for similar period of year 2006 this indicator was equal to 176,680 subscribers. Growth is 136,7%.
Growth of amount of users of Internet was provided by modernization of network of telecommunications of the company, inclusion of new technologies and also conduction of flexible tariff politics.
Let us briefly remind that tariff for service of wide bank access to Internet "Megaline Hit" (for physical entities) in February 2007 was decreased by 23%. (for year 2006 tariff for the given type of service was decreased by 76,5%). Since June 1, 2007 tariffs on services of wide band access to Internet for category "individual businessmen" were decreased to 50% due to equaling to tariffs for physical entities. Except this in the period of March - August 2007 the connection of service "Megaline" was made with 50-100%- ge discount.
Tariff for the service of dial-up access to Internet since January 1, 2007 was decreased by 5%. (During year 2006 tariff for the given service was decreased in average by 50%).