OREANDA-NEWS. September 04, 2007. Since the beginning of the year, Tashkent regional department of Microcredit bank has taken strong measures to support small business and private enterprise entities. For this purpose it has extended some 400 million soums in micro-loans to 275 entities. As a result 752 new jobs were created, reported the press-centre of Microcredit bank.

The bank's assets grew to 14,2 billion soums as of 1 July from 5,4 billion soums at the beginning of the year. Overall, the branch's lending in the reporting period was to comprise 1,4 billion, but the plan was exceeded by 52%, and 2,1 billion soums were lent.

Apart from this, within the frame of the Year of Social Protection, the bank has developed a special plan of actions and issued some 81,5 million soums in micro-loans to needy families (plan exceeded by 48%).

To maintain the required level of liquidity, and ensure that loans are repaid in time the bank provides consulting services. In particular, it organises seminars for the borrowers. During these seminars businessmen are trained on business administration and development of successful business plans.