Komsomolskoye Mining Conducted Press-Conference
OREANDA-NEWS. September 5, 2007. A press conference of Vladimir Kolesnikov, general director of “Komsomolskoye mining” public joint stock company was held in Komsolskoye settlement. At the meeting with journalists Vladimir Ilyich summarized the results of the enterprise’s six months work and spoke about technical modernization and plans for future.
-The number of our workers increased by more than 600 persons during the years of cooperation with “Ilyich” works. Back in the beginning of 2002 we had about 3500 workers. For five consecutive r youth program was implemented, according to which our staff of miners was increased by the best graduates of technical schools and higher educational establishments. The enterprise had been recovering for five years and had become profitable by December of the previous year. The resurrection of the main enterprise of the settlement gave an impetus to development of local infrastructure. Lots of objects were repaired and reconstructed: parks, a swimming pool, a stadium, a new youth club was constructed , where the young ones can go in for ball room dances and attend various sports circles.
Technical modernization
At the moment all forces are concentrated on technical modernization of the enterprise. In the first six months the program “Technical modernization 2007” was carried out by 70%. During the first six months the enterprise purchased a bulldozer, a spectrometer, 4 “Belaz” heavy trucks, a bam device and other useful new devices. At the moment repair works of locomotives, bulldozers and excavators are under way in all shops. All issues connected with technical modernization are under Mr. V.S. Boyko’s control.
Development of new deposits.
There’s one important problem that the management of the enterprise is facing now: extraction of limestone, granite and basalt. The existing deposits of limestone are quickly running out and the sore need of developing new ones is arising. One of the perspective deposits is Rodnikovskoe deposit of flux limestone. At the moment we are in the process of settling the problem, regarding detailed search of the deposit. However we meet various obstacles on all levels, beginning with the local authorities and up to high-ranking officials in Kiev. Even our authorities cannot understand the essence of the problem, to say nothing of the officials in Kiev: if we are late with the development of new deposits, then the township that lives now at the expense of the enterprise will soon be on a slimming diet again. No-one thinks about it. The reason of the obstacles seems to be quite clear- at the moment the enterprise possesses slag-heaps, having some 60-80 million tons of waste products. These waste products can be utilized for production of cement. If we calculate that the price of such waste product is at least 10 hryvnas per one ton, then the aggregate revenue could be equal to 1 billion of hryvnas a day. We cannot sell slag heaps for a song. And we’ll be facing such obstacles, regarding Rodkikovskoye deposit until we give in. Such problem with allocating pieces of land is vital for all mines in the Ukraine, including Zaporozhie and Krivoy Rog mines. Still the management of Komsomolskoye mining enterprise is hopeful that these problems will be settled and the settlement will survive.