Vyksa Steel Works Mastered the Technique of Volume Heat Treatment
OREANDA-NEWS. August 30, 2007. Vyksa Steel Works (VSW OJSC, Nizhni Novgorod Region, part of United Metallurgical Company, ОМК CJSC) has prepared pilot batches of pipes at the new section of 3D thermal machining of pipes in electric pipe welding complex producing small and medium diameter pipes (EPWC SMD). The section is designed for production of pipes with diameter of 114–530 mm, from 6 m to 13.72 m in length, featuring improved corrosion and cold resistance, as well as high-strength oil-and-gas pipes of strength indexes being up to К65 (Х80) made of different steel grades by means of temper hardening.
The scope of investments of OMK in the development of 3D thermal machining section has exceeded 1 billion rubles. The section’s capacity is 200 thousand tonnes of pipes a year. The equipment was supplied by Sottri (Italy), Bronx (Great Britain) and SMS Meer (Germany).
After 3D thermal machining pipes boast improved operational characteristics. “The 3D thermal machining is a real technical breakthrough when producing case and oil-and-gas pipes,” says Vladimir Kochetkov, Executive Director of VSW, “Its application allows production of pipes at a new level of quality and expansion of our presence primarily at the foreign market.”
Development of the 3D thermal machining section is one of the projects under integrated modernization program at EPWC SMD of VSW OJSC which aims at boosting capacity, product differentiation and mastering of production of pipes with improved consumer properties, pipes of higher strength, corrosion and cold resistance properties.