FAS Russia: Results of Monitoring of Managing Apartment Blocks
OREANDA-NEWS. On August 23, 2007 Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) presented the results of monitoring methods of managing apartment blocks in the 2nd quarter of 2007, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
Monitoring is based on the survey of municipalities with population over 10 000 people.
Monitoring shows that in comparison with the 1st quarter of 2007, the number of apartment blocks that selected the method of management increased by 21,93% and equals 65,73%. At the same time, 526 264 apartment blocks, which constitutes 34,27% of the total housing stock, still have not selected the method of management.
"It signals, in particular, that the local authorities are unwilling to organize tenders for selecting managing companies (so far there have been only around 30 tenders). Ultimately, it limits demonopolisation and reforms of housing services offered to apartment blocks, and does not allow citizens to obtain quality services", - believes the Head of the FAS Russia's Department of Control of Housing Services, Construction and Natural Resources, Mr Vladimir Yefimov.
At the end of the 2nd quarter of 2007, owners of the premises in apartment blocks selected such methods of management as HOP (Housing Owners Partnership), CHC (Cooperatives for Housing Construction) or other specialized consumer co-operatives in 42 226 apartment blocks which constitutes 15,08% of total housing stock.
Subsequent to the 2nd quarter, managing organizations have been authorized to manage 308 081 apartment blocks - or 48,07% of the overall housing stock. In 93,07% cases, the residents chose their managing company at the general meeting of the owners of premises in apartment blocks.
At the same time, FAS Russia observes numerous violations related to the general meetings of the owners of premises in apartment blocks. Relevant materials are to be forwarded to the prosecutor's offices.
FAS Russia also found that the local authorities transferred 6,03% of total apartment blocks under their control to the managing organizations bypassing the tender procedures. Territorial offices of the antimonopoly authority are considering possibility of initiating cases for breaching Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition".