Raiffeisen Announced Winner of Tender to Place Corporate CLNs
OREANDA-NEWS. On August 23, 2007 Uralsvyazinform (RTS: URSI/URSIP) the leading carrier of fixed-line and mobile services in the Urals region, Russia reported the results of a tender held to nominate financial arrangers of its corporate loan issued in the form of credit linked notes (CLN) and placed in the international capital market, reported the press-centre of Uralsvyazinform.
The company has examined six applicants’ proposals, overall.
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG is announced the winner of the tender after the proposals have been carefully examined and compared.
The loan will amount US$ 100 million and is planned for the 4th quarter of 2007. The raised funds are supposed to re-balance the existing corporate debt.
Detailed information about the tender, including tender documentation and tender commission protocols is available from Press-Center section (in Russian).
For additional information, please contact IR department on tel. (007 343) 379-12-19, 379 1859 or e-mail: investor@gd.usi.ru. The most recent company information is also available at www.uralsviazinform.com, www.skrin.ru (complex disclosure information system) or URSI_RU page in Bloomberg system and URSI.RTS page in Reuters system.