Stojlenskij the GOK Increases Deliveries
OREANDA-NEWS. On results of half-year shipment of raw products with Stojlenskogo deposits has grown on 10%.
For January-June of current year extraction of ore in Russia has grown on 4 % and has made the little less than 52 mln.t. However the positive tendency of shipment of raw material was characteristic not for all deposits of the country. So, for example, Mi hajlovskij the GOK practically has not increased delivery of raw material in comparison with the similar period of the last year. Recession of shipment on results of half-year has made nearby 1 %.
Among large sources zhelezorudnogo raw material, shipment with which has noticeably grown, it is possible to note Stojlenskoe a deposit. In comparison with the first half-year of last year Stojlenskij the GOK has increased deliveries of production to 10 %, having shipped for the period in total from above 6,5 ml n.t ores and zhelezorudnyh products.
At Lebedinsky GOKa deliveries of raw material practically have not grown. For six months shipment of raw production from a deposit has made the little more than 8,3 mln.t, only on 0,5 % above a level of the last year. Similar parameters of growth were observed also at Open Society "Karelian Okatysh" (Kostomukshskoe a deposit).