OREANDA-NEWS. The airline company “Aeroflot - Russian Airlines” is among the best airline companies in terms of its financial results according to the results of 2006 in the rating of the renowned magazine "Airline Business". In the traditional rating published in the August issue of "Airline Business" Aeroflot occupies the 10th position in Europe and 39th in the world in terms of “profitability from main business”. At that in terms of “net profit” Aeroflot occupies the 19th place in the world and in terms of “operation margin” (ratio of profit from main business to income from main business) - the 8th place in the world.

The income of JSC “Aeroflot” in 2006 made $2983 (according to MSFO), net profit - $258,1 mln., operation profit - $377 mln., operation margin - 12,6%. According to Valery Okulov, General Director of JSC “Aeroflot”, demonstrating high financial results Aeroflot declares on itself even stronger as on efficient corporation, active participant of the world market of air carriages which is respected”, - stressed Okulov.

Apart from Aeroflot four other Russian companies are included in the rating of Airline Business - "S7 Airlines" ("Сибирь") - 89th place, "UTair Aviation" - 128th , "Kras Air" - 134th and "VIM Airlines" - 150th.

JSC “Aeroflot - Russian Airlines” (AFLT) is a certain leader of civil aviation in Russia, actually a national carrier. Being the largest domestic airline company it transports over 7 mln. of people annually and together with its subsidiaries – about 9 mln., i.e. 23% of the total amount of Russian air passengers.  With a fleet of 90 air crafts it flies to 93 destinations in 47 countries (302 flights a day). The company controls 51% of the Russian market of regular international flights and about 12% of domestic flights. Net profit in 2006 made 7,9 bln. rubles.