ROSNO Continues Supporting Traffic Safety Programs
OREANDA-NEWS. August 9, 2007. IC "ROSNO"continues its support for the programs aimed to improve traffic safety. The company has partnered the event "Small Passenger" focused on decreasing child traumatism in traffic accidents.
In Europe and the U.S., using special car seats for children has long become a widely accepted practice. According to the statistics, proper fastening of a child in a special child seat decreases the risk of injury in traffic accident four or five times.
Unfortunately, not every parent in Russia realizes that child car seat is a guarantee of their children’s safety in case of an accident.
Therefore, ROSNO has joined efforts with the Moscow Central Road Police Department and other partners to carry out the event "SMALL PASSENGER". The event must convey the message that a properly chosen and installed seat enables saving the child in case of an accident.
In August, information leaflets containing the event’s terms and conditions, as well as recommendations on how to choose and install child car seats will be distributed among Moscow drivers. And after commencement of the new school year, Moscow-based road police teams will be checking the drivers’ compliance with the clause 22.9 of the RF Traffic Code and awarding those who observe child transportation rules with gifts from ROSNO — insurance policies VMI Million1 for the entire family.