Session of Board in NTRC of Uzbekistan Was Held
OREANDA-NEWS. On July 30, 2007 took place session of Board in the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, reported the press-centre of National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan.
The meeting was hold by the chairman of the Company A.Hadjaev According to the agenda was attend the information of the first vice-chairman of NTRC of Uzbekistan G.Ziyaev about priority tasks, appointed in the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the session of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 12, 2007 and results of social-economic development in the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2007, and also arrangements of wide coverage of the celebrations devoted to the 16th anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan, 2750th anniversary of Samarqand city, 2000th anniversary of Margilan city and VI International musical festival “Shark taronalari” and events, realized in view of these events.
At the same time, along with achieved successes was criticized some deficiencies in the activity.
Also the heads of regional TV and Radio Companies reported on questions of the agenda.
The attention of the participants of this session was paid to the priority tasks, which needs to be utilized until the end of year and strengthening of the interpretative discipline.
In view of information and reports, taken into consideration on results of discussion of the offers have been made corresponding decisions.