Promtractor Due to Work of its Employees Saved 7,4 mln Rubles
OREANDA-NEWS. This is 60% higher than for the same period of the previous year. At the same time at the enterprise once again significantly raised labor productivity - by 46,1% against I half year 2006, reported the press-centre of KTZ.
Interim work results in the sphere of rationalization and invention at the “Promtractor” testify about stable growth in this sphere. For January-July 2007 the employees of the enterprise gave in 858 rationalization offers of which 348 have been acknowleged, 251 authorial idea have been launched into the production.
According to the General director of the Company of Corporative Governance Symeon Mlodik, “these rates of development that we have archived at the “Promtarctor” in last several years testify about huge potential of whole industry and that Russian tractor building is able in the short terms to step out the new innovative way of development”.
For several years at the leading enterprises of the Concern “Tractor plants” are executed the programs of encouragement of creative initiative and activity of employees - such as “600 hours”, “TOP”, “Golden staff”.
In its activity the company corresponds to the experience of Japanese “Toyota”, which production system is directed to the permanent and continuous modernization of all processes. The results do not make wait for them - for example, the realization of the “TOP” program (“Total optimization of production”) at the “Cheboksary aggregate plant” during two years gave to the company the 80 mln. rubles of economy.