Expats In Moscow, There Are Simply More of Them
OREANDA-NEWS. In Russia - there is a new wave of expats (foreigners).At least the pair of years, worked out here, will decorate the resume of any foreign manager, reported the press-centre of Penny Lane Realty.
The Englishman Trimain Elson who lives in Moscow since 1994. and does not exclude the fact that he may be will remain here forever. His relationship with Russia he jokinkgly compares with the marriage: “it is difficult to live with a wife, but without it there is no way”. Elson loves Russian literature and painting, he is interested in the history of Russia and adores local kitchen. In Moscow Elson has a beautiful apartment on the Patriarch Ponds and it is only 5 minutes on foot to work -. The center of the capital he knows better than many Moscovites and he can give you the most detailed tour which only the oldest residents of Moscow know. He manages non-conflicting contact technique with the Local traffic police and is capable to explain to the arrived foreigners the difference between “the muff” and “the hack work”.
Daily Elson has to practice understanding the special features of local mentality mainly because He governs the Russian branch of the international recruiting company Antal International and constantly deals with so-called expats - working in Russia foreign managers. Himself, being an Englishman and not without the pride He calls “one of the more experienced ones” of scouters on the Russian labor market - he remembers well the first wave of expats in the middle of the 1990's, observed their mass departure after crisis of 1998, but now already a year he is actively contributes to their second return. And they are coming to us by hundreds: now Russia - one of the required countries for a good resume of top manager (together with India and China): it is said, that if prospect could managed there, then in he should do great in America-Europe- Australia and it is possible to entrust to him entire department altogether. Russia now –is the unique smithy of personnel for the international economy and an important step in the career growth of foreign managers.
How many expats are in Russia, well it is not possible to calculate, to pick expats out of the crowd made of the entire mass “come in large numbers here” guest workers are impossible, there is simply not enough statistics. But according to the data of the numerous recruiting agencies, which had an interview with Newsweek, the number of expats in Russia grew in last year by 15-20%. But in the personnel agency of Penny Lane Realty they assert that in 2006, third of all orders for the top managers required foreigners and this number was- by approximately 20% more than in the previous year. “Foreign specialists in our country are in demand, and the Russian labor market for them is attractive, says Elena Yegorova, the Department Director of sales and development of the agency Penny Lane Personnel. - In comparison with Europe the possibilities to rapidly make a successful career here are much higher”.
Actively mastering Russian market expats only at first glance seem uniform by mass. The universally recognized classification does not exist, but domestic recruiters subdivide them into several types. For example, in Penny Lane Personnel they divide expats into “the adventurers”, “the know-it-alls” and “former citizens of the USSR”. They knows how to subdivide expats so that to the employer it would be simpler, and to personal members it is more intelligible. Now simply expats do not exist: there are russopat –foreigners who simply adore Russia with all its deficiencies; and cashpats, who come here to get only one thing - money; corpats, who are executives working in the upper echelons of the career stairs in the once and for all selected corporation; and repats - in reality Russians, but who were grown and studied somewhere abroad.
Main magnet for contemporary expats – is a successful career in the short time. Earlier, at the beginning of the 90th, they were attracted here by the exotic character of the enormous unknown country, where first bears walk along the streets and vodka flows from the crane. These were those russopats themselves from the classification Of Trimain Elson – he himself is one of them, he arrived in Moscow at the age of 25, winged by romantic enthusiasm and adored Russian culture from it Rublev to Dostoyevsky. Now there are only few of those ones remain: now those very young boys are already 40, they have their own families, romanticism has become boring to them, many did not manage the crisis 1998- GO and left to their native land. Some “were trained for a new profession” into cashpats and hammered together entire fortune. “They hoped to work here 2-3 years, and then entire life to light up and to drink cocktails, and many of them achieved this came”, laughs [Elson]. “Frequently here arrived people “of the pirate” type, they desire to be detached far from their family - in Russia there are beautiful girls, adventure and exotic life. But motives of this type were popular ten years ago. Nevertheless now the majority of expats arrive for the career”.
They are awaited almost everywhere: in the administration, retail trade, marketing, on the market for real estate, medicine, banks and finances, consulting and investment companies. In those branches of the economy, where the western experience is required, because there is no local experience is available.
To overcome initial difficulties and to become faster “normal” expats, help relocation agencies - firms, which resolve everyday problems of the newly arrived foreigners. In Moscow there are about ten of them. Agency helps with the formulation of the visa and other formalities, it will select apartment not far from the place of work and accelerated lingual courses, will find foreign school for the children and fitness club for a wife. Newly arriving foreigners often get help from more experienced expats. So, on the forum of the site of expat.ru foreigners give to each other valuable councils - where to find reliable nurse, where to purchase tasty baguette and how to make Russian laugh, if they do not drink vodka. According to are Polina Dzagurova, Senior Editor of site, its attendance especially has grown recently: “Many expats in advance begin to prepare for their trip to Russia and almost a year prior to their arrival they are registering with this site”.
Elson does not have any doubts regarding only one type of expats - “imidgepats” – a new group in his classification. Those, whom domestic companies began actively to hire for an improvement of the image of company in the eyes of partners and investors. “Frequently they simply sit in the office, earn tons of money and do absolutely nothing, since they were taken “for the beauty”, he says. - This is unique Russian phenomenon”. Elson does not have any idea how old this tradition really is in Russia, just remember the so called “wedding General”.