Tatenergo Offers to Expand Its Experience in Russia
OREANDA-NEWS. Actions of emergency-rescue formations as well as of administration of JSC "Tatenergo" were highly appreciated by inspectors from Ministry of Industry and Power Engineering of Russia.
9 thru 13 July 2007 the commission of Minpromenergo of Russia inspected the activity of industry and subject sub-systems of alarm and liquidation of emergencies with provision of fire protection of JSC "Tatenergo" holding. During inspection was hold the comprehensive training with braches and dependant companies of the holding.
The exercises demonstrated the high level of competence of the formations regarding conducting the emergency – rescue and other urgent works, ability to act with divisions of fire-rescue service and OP "Energoshchit" Ltd. Training allowed to practice skills of staff of branches regarding protection against emergencies during peace, drill the skills of behaving according to alarms and during evacuating, determine efficiency of actions for keeping the stable operation of power engineering entities in emergency situations.
Commission of Minpromenergo inspected the availability and quality of document development, scheduling the activity of industry and entity subsystems. Was studied the practical organization of work of commissions for prevention and liquidation of emergencies and fire rescue provision in "Tatenergo" holding, branches of JSC "GC" and JSC "GrC".
Inspection showed that commission for ES and fire safety, production staff and staff of emergency-rescue formations are ready to actions under conditions of emergency situations.
Commission demonstrated the good professional training during the scheduled trainings. The holding totals 216 formations, numbering 2,121 people. Moscow Commission emphasized the high quality of uniforms and communication means availability, which promotes the reliable realization of the tasks. Provision of legal and documentary base is organized well at each level. "We gained the impression that the issue of GO was the most important for the holding administration. The big funds invested in ES prevention are the proof of it", - said the head of division for prevention and liquidation of ES and labor protection of Administrative department of Minpromenergo of RF Anatoli Konovalov. For faster doing the works for certifying the emergency - rescue formations in JSC "Tatenergo", he offered to develop and negotiate with Minpromenergo of Russia "Regulation about attestation commission of JSC "Tatenergo", and later to establish here the same attestation commission.
Anatoli Konovalov especially highly appreciated the actions taken by the company for enforcing the anti-terror and anti-sabotage protection of entities. "Activities of MVD division (energy militia ) for detection, prevention and doing away with law violations in the Tatarstan power system may be considered at the meeting of KCHS and PB Rosenergo or Minpromenergo of Russia and recommended as positive experience for other organizations", - he emphasized.
Successful solving of tasks for emergency prevention and liquidation is impossible without the interrelations with other organizations and divisions, namely, with local administration, structures of MCHS, FSB, MVD.
This issue was worked out in practice at Nizhnekamsk CHPP with inspection of time normatives. "We in reality observed here all of the time figures, that are reflected in the documents. The requirements are met in full amount", - Anatoli Konovalov commented.
Commission highly appreciated the work of administration of Nizhnekamsk Hydro PP in organization of electricity supply to RT. Besides, basing on results of big trainings, the anti-terror protection of hydro plant entities was named one of the best in industry in Russia. Nizhnekamsk CHPP was mentioned for best maintenance of protection structures and building the complex of protection measures for the entities. Naberezhnye Chelny CHPP was mentioned for coordinated work by managerial staff, personnel and emergency - rescue formations during conditional threat and explosion of GRP. At each stage the team of CHPP scored maximal points.
During the command - head-quarters training and tactical - special training were controlled the activity and work of attending dispatch shifts of JSC "RDU" and inspected plants. Their coordinate work provides gain in time and that allows to gain success in liquidating the emergencies consequences. Commission also spoke about the skills and hands - on experience in doing the necessary operations. "Staff of each company, string from director and finishing with regular electrician, did their best to do the tasks. During inspection we understood - these people are patriots of their company", - emphasized the head of prevention and liquidation of ES and labor protection of Administrative department of Minpromenergo of RF Anatoli Konovalov.
As said at the meeting then First Deputy General Director - Director for Economy and Finances of JSC "Tatenergo" Gulsina Munirovna Minnehanova: "Among the staff the paramount and profitable work for civil protection and liquidation of emergencies and provision of safety of staff and power engineering entities is done. Considering the unstable situation in the country, this work is very significant. With no financial support it is not possible to build the safety. We passed the reforming of industry of Republic but preserved unity of power system safety".