Clients of VAB Accomplished Transactions for more than 150 mln UAH
OREANDA-NEWS. In the first six months of 2007 the clients of VAB Bank accomplished more than 130 thousand transactions in the networks of trade, both in Ukraine and abroad, in all a sum of more than 150 million UAH, which is more twice that of the previous year, reported the press-centre of VAB Bank.
According to the head of department of the development of card business of VAB Bank, Helen Soboleva-Tereschenko, the expansion of infrastructure of usage of cards, growth of wealth of the population and an increase in offers from the side of the banks steadily increases the financial abilities of population.
"A plastic card is no longer an exotic thing. Today it is a universal financial instrument, which enables not only to get obtain monies, but also pays the great number of vital necessities cashless, making payments easy and comfortable", - Helen Soboleva-tereschenko explains.
On the July 1st 2007 VAB Bank has 270 POS-terminals and increased the network by a further 50 POS-terminals.