OREANDA-NEWS. On July 12, 2007 the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, held a meeting on the pilot project of setting up a domestic waste recycling plant in this country, reported the Presidential website www.president.gov.by.

This issue is of critical importance for Belarus, both ecology- and energy wise. Belarus is taking pains to maximise the saving of fuel and energy resources and tap alternative energy sources in an efficient way. Domestic waste can be successfully used for producing secondary raw materials, electric and thermal energy. It is a normal practice in many countries.

The Head of State has been presented the pilot project, which is expected to be launched in Brest. Now, experts are weighing possibilities of employing top-of-the-line technologies currently being used in Western Europe. However, if Belarus is proposed better solutions, other countries may be involved in the project.

Alexander Lukashenko has highlighted economic performance, cost and reliability of equipment, efficiency and profitability of such an enterprise as the main requirements to be met in developing and fulfilling the project.

The President directed that appropriate measures be taken for reducing the construction cost of the facility. It is expected that, as time goes by, similar enterprises will be built in all the regional administrative centres and in the country’s capital. Alexander Lukashenko emphasized the need of examining the issue on organizing a mass-scale domestic manufacture of the equipment that will be installed at waste processing and utilization plants.

The meeting examined the possibility of drawing maximum amount of foreign investments for the materialization of the project.

Given the remarks of the President, the first pilot project will be finalised and submitted to the Head of State.