JSC IDGC of Center and North Caucasus Doubled Executed Contracts
OREANDA-NEWS. July 11, 2007. The amount of compliance of applications on technological connections to the grids of regional grid companies of service area of JSC IDGC of Center and North Caucasus is constantly growing: 12 572 contracts on technological connections with aggregate capacity 529 MW (megawatts) were executed according to 16 997 submitted and accepted applications during 5 months in 2007.
7274 connections to the power grids with aggregate capacity 190 MW were made under contracts during 5 months in 2007.
In comparison with the similar period of the last year (January-May, 2006) the amount of executed contracts and connected capacity was doubled: 3 080 contracts with aggregate capacity 87 MW were executed during 5 months in 2006.
The growth of connected capacity volume was stimulated by the number of factors, and first of all investment breakthrough carried out by regional grid companies this year.
According to the results of the companies’ work in the first quarter of 2007, the investment volume amounted to 1 689 655 thousand Rubles, that means 137.5% against the volume planned for this period. 892 430 thousand Rubles were allocated for technical re-equipment and reconstruction, 772 534 thousand Rubles – new construction building and expansion, 578 284 thousand Rubles – technological connection of consumers, 19 032 thousand Rubles – purchasing fixed assets, 5 656 thousand Rubles – other investment.
Thanks to the increase of the investment program in 2007 mainly aimed at reconstruction and new construction building of power grid units, regional grid companied succeeded to avoid power shortage.
The growth of connected capacity volume was stimulated also by changes in normative documents related to technological connections to power grids, namely new versions of Regulations on Nondiscriminatory Access to the Services on Electric Energy Distribution, which were approved by the RF Government on March 21, 2007.