OREANDA-NEWS. On July 04, 2007 Gazprommedstrakh, a medical insurance company and part of the SOGAZ Insurance Group, has been declared winner in a public tender for selecting medical insurance organisations to provide obligatory medical insurance (OMI) for the unemployed and senior citizens in the Orenburg Region, reported the press-centre of SOGAZ.

As per the tender results, Gazprommedstrakh will provide insurance to 310,000 unemployed citizens and pensioners residing in Orenburg (half of the city’s unemployed residents), Mednogorsk, Kuvandyk and the Kuvandyk District, Gai and the Gai District, and the Districts of Beliayevka, Oktiabrskoye, Sol-Iletsk and Saraktash in the Orenburg Region.

Until now, obligatory medical insurance (OMI) has been provided to the unemployed and senior citizens of the Orenburg Region by the territorial Obligatory Medical Insurance Fund.

OJSC Gazprommedstrakh has provided OMI services in the Orenburg Region since 1999. At the moment, the total number of Orenburg Region residents insured by Gazprommedstrakh under OMI schemes, with account for the tender results, exceeds 390,000 policy-holders.

The medical insurance company OJSC Gazprommedstrakh was established on 1 April. OJSC Gazprommedstrakh specialises in obligatory medical insurance (OMS in Russian), and is one of the largest medical insurance companies in the Russian Federation, boasting over 9,8 mln individual policyholders and a highly developed regional network of over 300 branches in 46 subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the results of 2006, the company’s income from OMS insurance premiums totalled 15,356m roubles. This figure puts Gazprommedstrakh in third place in the league table of Russia’s medical insurance companies. The company’s paid-in authorized capital amounts to 102,5 mln roubles.

The SOGAZ Insurance Group comprises the insurance companies OJSC SOGAZ and OJSC Gazprommedstrakh, the management company CJSC Leader, the the medical services company Gazprommedservice Ltd., Insurance Company SOGAZ-Life Ltd, Insurance Company Neftepolis Ltd. Currently, the Group has more than 350 regional divisions. SOGAZ is awarded with the highest reliability rating A++ by the Expert RA rating agency.