Companies Invited to Discuss Problems of Reactive Power Compensation
OREANDA-NEWS. The problem of reactive power compensation is presently one of the priority problems hindering increasing reliability of the electric grid complex in the JSC “IDGC of the Center and North Caucasus” operation area, reported the press-centre of JSC “IDGC of the Center and North Caucasus”.
Analysis shows that one of the reasons for grid complex disruptions and, hence, shortages of power supply to consumers, is the disturbance of the reactive power balance in grids and the increasing value of the reactive component in power flows. The latter in its turn reduces the voltage level at bus-bars of the consumer’s electric power devices, reduces the carrying capacity of the electric lines, which leads to a considerable increase of electric power losses and overloading the transformers.
Considering the mentioned factors, the RGCs of JSC “IDGC of the Center and North Caucasus” operation area have drawn up special programs for managing the reactive power till 2011, under which the “Reactive Power - Losses - Economic - Reliability of Electric Power Supply” basic project was launched last year.
Training seminars for chief executives of the structural subdivisions and affiliated companies were held in JSC “IDGC of the Center and North Caucasus”. The next stage is panel discussions with representatives of the major companies of the city and region.
Thus, I. Naidenov, Deputy Technical Executive of JSC “Ryazanenergo”, Chief Executive of the Grid Management Centre, Y. Babushkin, Deputy Technical Executive, Chief Executive of the Technical Maintenance Service, Chief Engineers of seven major Ryazan companies – State Ryazan Instrument Plant, JSC “Ryazan Radio Plant”, JSC “Ryaztsvetmet”, LLC “Metalenergotrans”, JSC “Totchinvest”, JSC “Krasnoye Znamya” Plant, JSC “Paperboard and Ruberoid Plant” participated in the recent panel discussion in JSC “Ryazanenergo”. Opening the discussion, I. Naidenov, Chief Executive of the JSC “Ryazanenergo” Grid Management Centre, reported on the situation of the regional grid industry in recent decades: “We have analyzed electric power consumption in Ryazan region and the reasons for restricting the number of new connections.
It turned out that the reactive power level unlike the consumption level have almost tripled compared to 1990. It is the result of abolishing the Rules of Heat and Electric Power Consumption in 2001 and negligence in servicing the corresponding equipment. Thus, cables in a number of companies are overloaded with reactive power and the equipment is worn out before its service time”. For most of the companies, participating in the panel discussion, reactive power compensation is a burning problem. After examining the daily power consumption graphs of their companies the chief engineers witnessed that it is the reactive power indeed which frequently causes overpayment for the consumed energy.
The exception is the customers who have already installed, or those who use previously installed reactive power sources (RPS). Thus, A. Tersky, Chief Engineer of SRIP, pointed out the advantages of RPSs on the example of his company. According to him, SRIP has been used in the problem of reactive power compensation since 2000. The cost of the installed equipment was recovered in two years and currently it considerably reduces the expenses on electric power. In the course of further discussion I. Naidenov informed the participants of the Provisions of the RF Government, soon to be introduced, which shall stipulate the application of increasing and decreasing coefficients to the tariff. For the companies, using reactive power sources, electric power will be cheaper. Those who neglect the problem of reactive power compensation will have to pay more to the industry for performing these functions in accordance with the increasing coefficients.
JSC “Ryazanenergo” in its turn will also be engaged in the problem. The company together with JSC “SO-CDA UES” carried out a research in 2006. Experts checked the power flow scheme and discovered that it is expedient to introduce reactive power sources, which will help to reduce the reactive component value, at several substations, such as “Likhatchovo”, “Dyagilevo”, “Fakel”, “Teatralnaya”, etc. The program of development of Ryazan Power Industry stipulates the installation of the corresponding equipment at the mentioned substations.