OGK-5 and Sverdlovsk Oblast Cooperation Sees a New Step Forward
OREANDA-NEWS. The Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast and JSC OGK-5 have signed a Cooperation Agreement.
The Agreement notes the main aims of cooperation between the parties: preparation and implementation of strategic programmes for the development of the oblast’s energy complex in line with the growth in the energy demand of industrial and social consumers, improvement of the efficiency of the power industry in the region, and improvement of environment through implementation of complex environmental actions.
The Cooperation Agreement greatly expands and specifies the sphere of interaction between the Oblast Government and the generating company. In particular, the Agreement envisages that, in certain cases envisaged by law, the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast will assist OGK-5 in the implementation of its investment projects. In its turn, OGK-5 will apply best effort to develop its production branches on the territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast - Reftinskaya GRES and Sredneuralskaya GRES - with due account for the social and economic development of the oblast. The Company also undertakes to develop its practice of cooperation with the oblast in the sphere of social partnership during the implementation of national projects.
At the agreement execution ceremony, the Director General of JSC OGK-5, Anatoly Bushin, noted that the Urals region is strategically important for the company. “It is in the Urals where more than half of OGK-5’s generating capacities are located. It is in the Urals, where we have commenced the implementation of our largest investment projects. We are confident that our activities must serve not only to the interests of the company, but also the interests of the region. I hope that the executed Agreement will be the foundation of effective cooperation with the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast, which is aimed at the development of the social and economic potential of one of Russia’s largest regions”, Anatoly Bushin said.
In his turn, Vladimir Molchanov, the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the oblast’s the minister of industry, energy and science, noted that “the energy sector is one of the most important infrastructural industries. If it does not develop, we won’t see any growth in machinery building or metallurgy. That is why, on the initiative of Eduard Rossel, the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast, a programme for the development of the power sector was worked out, which is closely linked to the Plan for Development and Location of the Region’s Production until 2015. I am sure that the Cooperation Agreement between OGK-5 and the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast will help the company to go over from planning to the implementation of its power construction projects and contribute to the development of Urals industry”.